Paul and I have had fun all year thinking up contributions to this post. But be warned – once you’ve read them you can’t unsee them! So, if you’re brave enough here are Coagulation Conversation versions of some famous carols
To the tune of O little town of Bethlehem
O little vial of heparin
How much you make me cry
When jabbed into my tender flesh
I wish that I could die
But in my deep veins hiding
Within my leg so sore
The heparin does enter in
And make my clot no more
The Twelve Days of Christmas
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me
12 INR tests
11 venous ulcers
10 pill containers
9 nasty bruises
8 cuts a bleeding
7 more prescriptions
6 clots a lysing
5 warfarin
4 compression socks
3 blood tests
2 finger-pricks
and a sore leg from my DVT
First lines to other carols and Christmas songs
While shepherds got their clots by night, all seated on the ground
Here we go a warfarin
I’m dreaming of a lysed thrombus
Oh DVT, Oh DVT, How swollen are my legs now
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